I’m using DomainPeriod to create a type based on Index that holds a maximum value for a 1.6 ms timer like this:
type Timeout dom = Index (DivRU (1600000000) (Max 1 (DomainPeriod dom)))
However, when I now try to use this type I get the following error:
• Couldn't match type: Div
+ (Max
(KnownConf dom0))
- 1))
(Clash.Signal.Internal.DomainConfigurationPeriod (KnownConf dom0)))
with: Div
+ (Max
(Clash.Signal.Internal.DomainConfigurationPeriod (KnownConf dom))
- 1))
(Clash.Signal.Internal.DomainConfigurationPeriod (KnownConf dom)))
Expected: Timeout dom
Actual: Timeout dom0
NB: ‘Div’ is a non-injective type family
The type variable ‘dom0’ is ambiguous
• In the ambiguity check for ‘timeout’
To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature: timeout :: (KnownDomain dom) => Timeout dom
This error occurs in the following code snippet:
-- | The duration of @linkTimer@ is 1.6 ms according to the SGMII reference,
-- which means that it has a frequency of 625 Hz. This is the same as 200000
-- cycles of the 125 MHz clock: @1.6*10^−3 / (1 / (125×10^6))@.
-- For simulation and testing, this is set to a more reasonable amount of 3
-- to decrease the amount of test values that are needed to trigger a timeout.
timeout :: (KnownDomain dom) => Timeout dom
timeout = if clashSimulation then 3 else maxBound