Is there an example showing how to generate a verilog/vhdl testbench for a combinational circuit?
Also, I assign undefined
value to model verilog’s (z, x) state. How can I match for that for an expected output in testbench?
Context: I am trying to build a simple combinational circuit for a 8-to-3 priority encoder, which is part of my ongoing attempt at building bunch of circuits in verilog and in clash to compare and understand them.
module PriorityEncoder.PriorityEncoder where
import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
type Channels = BitVector 8
type Selected = Unsigned 3
priorityEncoder :: (Bit, Channels) -> Selected
priorityEncoder (enable, channels) =
if bitToBool enable then
if channels .&. 0b10000000 /= 0 then 7
else if channels .&. 0b01000000 /= 0 then 6
else if channels .&. 0b00100000 /= 0 then 5
else if channels .&. 0b00010000 /= 0 then 4
else if channels .&. 0b00001000 /= 0 then 3
else if channels .&. 0b00000100 /= 0 then 2
else if channels .&. 0b00000010 /= 0 then 1
else if channels .&. 0b00000001 /= 0 then 0
else undefined
else undefined
topEntity :: (Bit, Channels) -> Selected
topEntity = priorityEncoder
testbench :: Vec 2 Bool
testbench = done
inputs = (1 :: Bit, 0b01111111 :: Channels) :> (0, 0b00111111) :> Nil
expectedOutputs = (6 :: Selected) :> undefined :> Nil
outputs = map topEntity inputs
done = zipWith (==) outputs expectedOutputs
-- Mark testbench as top entity to generate Verilog testbench
{-# ANN testbench
{ t_name = "testbench"
, t_inputs = []
, t_output = PortName "done"
}) #-}