Clash Talk slides - FP Syd 27 Nov 2024

Hello all,

I gave a talk on Clash at the Sydney Functional Programming Group (FP Syd) last months, and I’ve uploaded the slides as some people in the slack channel were interested. This talk was originally written for my work, where we use FPGAs for commercial and scientific test & measurement devices, so it’s aimed at an audience who don’t know Haskell but do know HDLs.

Functional Programming as a Tool of Thought
Haskell & Clash for higher level hardware design


Thanks for sharing

That DSP example is really cool

This is great material Alex!. It would be great if you could make a video explaining the slides and post it on Youtube.

Hmmmm, I’ll have a think about it, you’ve happened to suggest it at a time when I might have time to actually do that :sweat_smile: